pharmacology and toxicology
Lactonova India (An Indian MNC Pharma Group), (Makers of Immunize capsule & Immunize-P Sachet), Kakathiya nagar, (Above Mahesh Bank) Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lactonova India (An Indian MNC Pharma Group), (Makers of Immunize capsule & Immunize-P Sachet), Kakathiya nagar, (Above Mahesh Bank) Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lactonova India (An Indian MNC Pharma Group), (Makers of Immunize capsule & Immunize-P Sachet), Kakathiya nagar, (Above Mahesh Bank) Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Lactonova India (An Indian MNC Pharma Group), (Makers of Immunize capsule & Immunize-P Sachet), Kakathiya nagar, (Above Mahesh Bank) Habsiguda, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
Colostrum is the premilk provided by mammal mothers to their newborns. Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammals for their young ones. This transfers the passive immunity gained by the mother to the baby. Colostrum is low in volume but high in nutritional value. The Colostrum is a mixture of carbohydrate, protein, growth factors, blood cells and immunoglobulin. It is yellow, thick and sticky in nature. The bovine Colostrum has therapeutic potential to the human being as it contains near about 90 useful components. The present article reviews about Colostrum, its composition, primary role and therapeutic potentials as well as role of saccharomyces baulardii & vitamin D in immunization.
4 , 2 , 2014
116 - 122