pharmacology and toxicology
Research Scholar, Department of Zoology, Gauhati University, Guwahati, India
This study was carried out to evaluate the estrogenic effect of the two environmental non-steroidal chemicals Bisphenol –A and Octylphenol on total serum cholesterol on albino mice. Bisphenol-A is a monomer of polycarbonate plastics used in a coating on food and drink packages and also in dental sealants and Octylphenol is an another estrogenic compound which is considered to be the most stable degradation intermediate formed from the corresponding nonionic octylphenolpolyethoxylates surfactants during biological waste water treatment. Both the chemicals were administered into two groups of albino mice in concentration of 80mg/day/kg of body weight and17-βEstradiol in concentration of 120µg/day/kg body weight and subcutaneously injected for 7 consecutive days. Mice were arranged into five groups Gr.I is left untreated (controlled), Gr.II Vehicle control, GrIII treated with octylphenol, Gr.IV with Bisphenol-A and Gr. V treated with Estradiol and serum cholesterol level is estimated by ZAK’s method. The results shows that untreated mice reported higher cholesterol level (95.5±1.40mg), in comparision to estradiol (58±.62mg),Octylphenol (77+.93) and Bisphenol –A (83.8±1.33mg) treated mice. Results showed that as estradiol Bisphenol –A and Octylphenol can effectively lowered serum cholesterol. Both chemicals work as estrogen mimic and have the same effect in the cholesterol level in blood as estrogen.
4 , 1 , 2014
57 - 61